I Help Good Writers
Become Great

Frequently Asked Questions
How do you write your books?
On a laptop, with my black cat Sulu snuggled between my arms.
How do you get yor cat to pose for your books?
Sulu loves books, and I trained him to pose for photos. Oh yes, you can train a cat... if the cat wants to be trained.
I'm a writer, do you have any advice?
Learn the writing craft to the highest standard, become the best writer you can possibly be, and enjoy the process.
Will you review my book if I review yours?
How do you select the stories for the Ten Tales books?
May I submit one?
Most of the stories have been previously published elsewhere, and I approach the authors for permission to include them. I also invite some writers whose work I like to submit stories for the next anthology. However, I don't read unsolicited (slush) submission. When I'm looking for a particular kind of story, I tell my Twitter followers or my newsletter subscribers, and invite them to submit.
Would you write a guest post for my blog?
I'd like to, if your blog is aimed at writers or readers, and if I have the time. Email me with an URL to your blog.
I also have previously published guest posts. If you don't mind something that's been published on another blog a while ago, I send you a recycled post straight away.
I love your online workshops for writers. Where can I find out about upcoming classes?
I've cut back my teaching to have more time to write books. When I teach online workshops for writers again, I'll announce it in my newsletter.
Can I hire you as a Publishing Strategist, Mentor or Editor?
I'm not taking on new editing clients at the moment. However, I do manuscript appraisals - that's when I suggest what you can do to make your own book better. I also help authors with strategies for indie publishing, social media and book promotion. You can find me on Upwork.